Welcome to the HOW Website

Welcome to Helpdesk Over Web (HOW). This website will eventually provide more details on the HOW project - intended to create an easy-to-use open source helpdesk/call logging system freely available via the Internet.

The project was started as part of a degree course at Lancaster University's Department of Communications Systems. With the degree course complete, and a system almost ready for release to the wider world, it was decided to publicise the work on the Internet and invite other developers to assist in adding further functionality.

The main SourceForge Project Page contains further details of work to be undertaken, current documentation and project news. This site will contain documentation in other formats, and provide background and other material relating to the project. Please note that all file releases will be made via the SourceForge Project Page.

Anyone with further queries or wishing to assist can contact the lead developer/project manager, Richard Smith for further information.